Stelle releases new single ‘Strangers again’

by Reb Jordin

Stelle, a Brisbane based indie pop singer songwriter, released her fourth single
‘Strangers again’ on May 23rd to the excitement of fans. ‘Strangers again’ weaves the story of a relatable heartbreak, where you are forced to play the fool as you were too blinded by your love for another that you never realised their feelings weren’t as mutual or genuine. This single will cast listeners back to a similar time in their lives where they sold their soul for the happiness of another and loved them completely while doing it, only to be left alone.

The single begins with the plucky strum of an acoustic guitar, already building the emotion which laces a song that will bring painful nostalgia to any listener who has been sold a lie for the cruel benefit of their lost lover. Listeners are struck by the lyrics, ‘were the late-night calls even worth it? Staying up till one in the morning’ which convey giving someone your all only for them to betray your soul and break your heart.

Soon listeners enter the chorus whilst the single picks up with a satisfying drumbeat before being blessed with the heartbreaking lyrics, ‘how did we go from what we were to never talking again? What happened to saying my smile was your favourite thing?’ This moment beautifully reflects when you’re so familiar with someone that being strangers seems impossible until it happens, and then it just breaks you. You are left longing for a love that was just a tale your partner was spinning; you search for them in every face in every crowded room and can never get the full closure you deserve as you are mourning a relationship that meant a lot more to you then it even did to them.

The songs bursts into the second verse in a cacophony of delicate piano and a punchy bass mixed with the same beautifully relentless drums. The lyrics, ‘I thought the feelings were always mutual. Something we’d have forever we’d never let fade away’ portray being wholly consumed by someone. You’re the person who hangs on to their every word and craves to make them laugh their real laugh. The person who will stay by their side through all of their bluest days and bask in the comfortable silence you believe only the two of you share. Then it all turns out to be a hoax, they don’t cherish the way your eyes change colour in the sun or the places you discovered and claimed together. They can easily turn the final page of your story and put it on the shelf to gather dust whilst you are constantly writing more words to fill the margins of a book they already put down.

After another emotional whirlwind of a chorus listeners reach the bridge. The gut-wrenching lyrics, ‘sometimes love only grows to die’ close the bridge presenting how you can grow a love story only to have the person you love pollute and destroy it. You can put the most mundane of days into a memory box and worship those moments forever whilst they will just discard your moments of love as if they were nothing. They let you love them just to fill a void before leaving you to drown in the waves of your tortured heart.
‘Strangers again’ closes on the heart-rending chorus again with Stelle’s smooth and
controlled vocals paired perfectly with a stripped back acoustic guitar and one final pound of the drum. ‘Strangers again’ is for the oldest sibling who puts everyone’s wellbeing before

their own without even realising they are hurt too. For the third friend in the trio who is
pushed out of all the photos but is just happy to of been invited. For those who are treated like they are not enough so often that they start to believe it too. This song is for those who long for what they can’t have because they believe they tasted sunshine, and that this person was it for them when really all they were fed was a lie.

So go and give ‘Strangers again’ a listen and feel seen through Stelle’s carefully crafted
lyrics and dance to her electric sound. Also be sure to catch Stelle at one of her live shows for the full euphoric experience and check out her other three singles as we anticipate what comes next for this talented artist.

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